Topic: memcached

Memcached at root of GitHub DDoS attack

GitHub suffered a large Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack on Wednesday, made possible by vulnerabilities in memcached, according to Ashley Stephenson, CEO of Corero Network Security, a company focused on DDoS protection. Typically in DDoS attacks the bad actors use a variety of techniques, such as botnets, or in this case, Memcached, Stephenson said. … continue reading

Google’s Bret Taylor gives a tour of Quip’s architecture

Bret Taylor cut his teeth in the workplace at Google. While completing his bachelors and masters degrees at Stanford, he got a job as an intern at the then-fledgling search company, back when the whole company fit into one Mountain View building. And it was there that he co-created Google Maps. As a follow-up, he … continue reading Protection Status