#1: Web Starter Kit
Google has decided to open-source its boilerplate and tooling guide for multi-device development, containing Google’s recommendations and best practices for building cross-platform experiences. The starter kit comes with sections on responsive boilerplate, cross-device synchronization, live browser reloading, performance optimization, a built-in HTTP server, SASS support, and a living component style guide. For more information about Google’s Web development practices, check out our story on the company’s new Web Fundamentals resource.

#2 Meteor
Another in a long line of open-source JavaScript Web frameworks, Meteor is a simple environment for building modern Web applications in pure JavaScript. The framework sends data over the wire rather than in HTML, and it gives developers freedom of choice about the libraries to go with it.

#3: Cayley
Another Google project cracking the Top Five this week, Cayley is an open-source graph database inspired by Freebase and Google’s Knowledge Graph. Written in Go, Cayley’s goal is to serve as a developer tool for linked and graph-shaped data on the semantic Web and social networks. It has a built-in query editor and visualizer, a modular design, and a RESTful API.

#4: Awesome Sysadmin
Inspired by Awesome PHP and compiled by Francisco Augusto, Awesome Sysadmin is a curated list of “amazingly awesome open-source sysadmin resources.” Topics range from cloning and configuration management to metric collection, RDBMS and virtualization.

#5: NodeBB
Powered by Node.js, this forum software utilizes Web sockets for instant interactions and real-time notifications. NodeBB is built on a Redis database with out-of-the-box features such as streaming discussions and social network integration.