New 3D debugging tool and recent ADK changes are detailed by Google developers at the third Android Developer Conference … continue reading
A five-fingered list of common, household items with which you can talk to (via software, of course) … continue reading
Artificial intelligence is the new hotness, so here are a few ways to take advantage of it inside of your enterprise … continue reading
Update 4 for Java SE 7 includes better garbage collection, and the first version of JavaFX to run on Mac OS X … continue reading
A new foundation for the development of OpenStack is taking shape, primarily because there’s so much going with the project … continue reading
But the true answer to the database access question seems to be “a little from column A, a little from column B” … continue reading
Bill Joy’s BSD has found its way into several open-source platforms … continue reading
One company has a mission to save the project vital to its business … continue reading
What has become of the many offshoots of Unix? We take a look at some … continue reading
Despite its growth and importance in mobile development, Unix remains little talked-about … continue reading
Open-source geographic database based on PostgreSQL now works with Windows … continue reading
Red Hat remains the top contributor, with Intel and Novell jockeying for second place … continue reading