David has some issues with the way people behave on the Internet, namely griefers and assorted lamers … continue reading
Data on today’s storage media may be inaccessible in the future as new technology emerges. What can be done about this? … continue reading
How will we, as a society, deal with deprecated file formats and storage media and the data that they contain? … continue reading
In his latest Web-only column, David goes over why the question of computer sentience is fuzzier than it looks … continue reading
Understanding where intelligence comes from and how we define it reveals how difficult the quest for sentient machines is … continue reading
The Internet has taken over where magazines used to dwell. Is this a disaster for David, the info-holic? … continue reading
David has some modifications to Wil’s law that help drive home how much it works! … continue reading
David Gerrold sees a future rich in technology, and also in need of skilled programmers … continue reading
Programmers need to keep in mind that websites need to be accessible in as few clicks as possible … continue reading
A brief history of the user interface shows what works and what doesn’t, and developers have to pay heed to these lessons … continue reading
Pascal and Turbo Pascal were great tools for learning programming, but do we need them today? … continue reading
Years ago, computing was a test of intelligence. Being a black-belt geek used to mean something … continue reading