Talking with Tim O’Brien on Microsoft’s Platform

The director of Microsoft’s Platform Strategy Group discusses the future of Microsoft’s cloud plans … continue reading

Microsoft exhausts coupons for SUSE Linux

Microsoft will continue paying to support Linux users as they move to SUSE … continue reading

Microsoft taking over controls for Silverlight

Microsoft’s increased investment in proprietary Silverlight is affecting third-party control makers … continue reading

Tool makers rush to keep up with .NET’s evolution

As the .NET framework enters its fourth generation, tool makers are trying to come to grips with its newfound capabilities … continue reading

Microsoft, Novell collaborate on LDAP access to SharePoint

The joint project, to ship in March, adds identity management functions for identity federation in SharePoint … continue reading

MashZone gives businesses a deep view of data

IDS Scheer’s mashup server lets business users create their own data views with data from a variety of sources … continue reading

WebSharper platform seeks to broaden F# use

IntelliFactory’s latest product seeks to supplement ASP.NET with its F# programming language … continue reading

Quince Pro offers interface designs as a service

An offshoot of Quince, Quince Pro gives developers access to libraries containing user interface artifacts … continue reading

MuleSoft releases proprietary JMS server

Company insists that it is still developing open-source products as an analyst questions its commitment to open source … continue reading

F# language moves from lab into production

Conceived at Microsoft’s Cambridge, U.K. lab, F# is designed to bolster interoperability between programming paradigms … continue reading

Features in Visual Studio 2010 drive tool makers

ALM and testing enhancements are giving third parties a big incentive to create tools for the latest version of Visual Studio … continue reading

Concerity provides insight into software usage

Analytics program works with Microsoft to collect information on how Windows and .NET to monitor performance … continue reading

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