SEO QA – What is it and why should you implement it?

AVAILABLE NOW Agile engineering teams need to focus on delivering high quality code at pace. However, ensuring releases don’t negatively impact search engine optimization (SEO) often sits way down the priority list. But what if you could rapidly automate SEO tests as part of the QA process, fully integrate them into the CI / CD … continue reading

Remote working mistakes that could be killing your developers’ innovative output and performance

AVAILABLE NOW The pace of innovation is accelerating. Yet continuous WFH diminishes software teams’ output. What can you do to increase individual – and team – performance, without burning out? Join guest speaker Nils Vesk and Devtech Group for a live session that unpacks the 14 most common mistakes affecting your team’s performance. Nils also … continue reading

What role do developers have in application security?

AVAILABLE NOW A big one, as it turns out. Organizations aren’t looking at security as just being perimeter protection anymore. The applications themselves need to be built from the ground up with protections that ensure data integrity and prevent compromise. Security departments used to have the primary responsibility to ensure these goals, but as the … continue reading

Getting it Right: Self-service in Cloud Automation

AVAILABLE NOW Everyone knows that infrastructure automation is fundamental to any DevOps platform. However, infrastructure automation requires not only coding abilities, but also cloud network, security and cost expertise, and Infrastructure as Code skills. It’s not something developers want to waste their time on. Being able to provide on-demand self-service infrastructure provisioning and deployment to … continue reading

The State of Testing in DevOps: Results from the 2020 DevTestOps Survey

AVAILABLE NOW DevOps delivery practices are being adopted across the industry, but unfortunately they’re not always built with quality assurance as a core capability. Teams have no choice but to build a testing strategy as they go, rather than designing the culture, processes, and tools upfront. QA testing as an afterthought in an agile or … continue reading

How low-code solutions can help prepare for your return to the office

AVAILABLE NOW As businesses start to re-open and organizations begin to bring employees back to their places of work, there will be new challenges — some known, and some unexpected. But employee wellness will be top of mind, and having workers maintain social distancing and still be able to collaborate is among them. Traditional spreadsheets … continue reading

Software Development at Home: Balancing life, retaining compliance

AVAILABLE NOW Many developers and IT professionals have been working from home for a long time, yet even more have only recently begun to do so. The speed with which organizations have had to shift to accommodate the new home workforce raises issues for both. Organizations worry about ensuring security on devices and applications — … continue reading

Scared Serverless? Don’t be.

AVAILABLE NOW Serverless functions are becoming a bigger part of microservices applications in today’s modern software architectures, helping organizations gain flexibility and substantially cut compute costs. But are those applications performing well to deliver business value? It’s hard to know, because nothing about serverless fits the model of how application performance monitoring works. Today’s tools … continue reading

New Orleans 911 Scales COVID-19 Response with Quick Base

AVAILABLE NOW When New Orleans became a hot spot for coronavirus, the city’s emergency response had to rapidly adapt and scale its operations to meet the changing needs of its communities, employees and customers. Tyrell Morris, the executive director of Orleans Parish Communication District, joins Ankit Shah, of low-code platform provider Quick Base, to discuss … continue reading

A Pragmatic View of DevOps in Large Enterprises

RECORDED EVENT Join SD Times and Micro Focus as we deflate the hype around DevOps and provide a no-nonsense, real-world view of how your organization can gain operational efficiencies and deliver value to your customers. … continue reading

The Complete Guide to Observability

Recorded Event Easy-to-understand monoliths are giving way to distributed systems: microservices, serverless, meshes, proxies, and every possible combination. These systems offer developers the freedom to build new features and technology faster, as they are no longer beholden to the elaborate release processes associated with monolithic architecture. … continue reading

Attack Simulation: Deconstructing an Attack in a Containerized Application

Recorded Event You’ve been hacked. A developer leveraged a 3rd party library with unsanitized input that a SCA tool can’t flag. This containerized application goes into production – making your entire cloud infrastructure vulnerable to severe security incidents. Does this sound familiar? … continue reading

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