Challange your preconceptions about low-code

RECORDED EVENT: While Low-Code development platforms are still in the early stages of adoption, many enterprise leaders are already pigeon-holing them — and may be missing out on their greatest potential. While these platforms can unquestionably help enterprises relieve the development backlog, reduce costs, and improve efficiency, that’s just the beginning of the story. The … continue reading

Why You Shouldn’t use a Relational Database for Time Series Data

RECORDED EVENT: We are always looking for ways to make our solutions work better and smarter. We accomplish this by tracking the performance of each of the components underlying our solution. All this critical performance data has a time stamp and a value — also known as time series data.  If this important time-stamped data is … continue reading

The Three Essential Elements to Getting Value Stream Management Right

RECORDED EVENT: Value Stream Management (VSM) is one of the hottest emerging topics in the world of software delivery. But breakthrough the buzzword static and it may also be the most misunderstood idea today — at least in terms of its strategic importance to the enterprise as we step fully into a software-driven world. For … continue reading

New Year’s Resolutions: Simplify Testing in 2019

Recorded Event: Welcome to 2019! Does the clean slate of a new year have you motivated to make positive changes, or do you find setting resolutions to be a daunting task? We’ve put together a handy guide to help you set — and stick to — one important resolution: Quit testing bad habits! Join this … continue reading

Unleashing the Power of Redis

Recorded Event: Redis is the perfect fit for microservices, distributed and cloud-agnostic applications in a containerized world. In today’s consumer-driven world, application performance is increasingly important. Redis, the open-source NoSQL database, is known for its linear scalability in performance; recent benchmarks show up to 50 million ops/sec. Redis Enterprise makes Redis highly available, multi-model (like … continue reading

The Five Biggest Surprises in Writing “The IT Manager’s Guide to DevOps”

RECORDED EVENT: Tim Buntel, DevOps Advocate of Xebia Labs and TJ Randall, vice president of customer success for Xebia Labs discuss the most surprising things they heard while writing the guide along with the challenges, victories, trends and dead-ends that are essential for you to know. … continue reading

How Low-Code Enables Development Teams to Deliver Modern UX

RECORDED EVENT: How do you know if an application is successful? By the level of engagement, usability, and rate of adoption. And guess what? None of that works without a modern UX—think swiping left and right, or a built-in chat, or less flashy features like common-sense functionality for menus. But implementing those modern features can … continue reading

Project To Product: Connecting IT to the Business with The Flow Framework

RECORDED EVENT: Mastering large-scale software delivery will define the economic landscape of the 21st century, just as the mastery of mass production defined the landscape in the 20th. Unfortunately, business and technology leaders are woefully ill-equipped for the Age of Software because they are using management paradigms from past technological revolutions. While technologists adopting DevOps … continue reading

Learn How JRebel Accelerates Hybris Development

RECORDED EVENT: SAP Hybris is a B2B and B2C e-commerce platform used by large enterprise organizations to deliver rich omnichannel experiences to customers, from content management to personalization and order processing. JRebel is a JVM plugin that speeds up the development of Java applications by skipping the time-consuming “ant all” scripts that Hybris developers run to … continue reading

APM is Getting Personal!

Recorded Event: Most development teams are practicing some form of DevOps these days. Regardless of the extent of that practice, speed is the ultimate measure for success. Another earmark of a successful DevOps practice is the empowerment of smaller teams. Gone is the idea of consolidating complicated toolsets into the hands of a small Center … continue reading

Leveraging Containers for Improved Security

RECORDED EVENT: As containers become commonplace for delivering and deploying applications, we’ve seen more of our customers taking a “lift-and-shift” approach to migrating their existing applications. In this session, Patrick Maddox, Sr. Director, Twistlock Solutions Architecture, will reveal how an environmental science and engineering consulting company moved its 14-year-old app that models storm surge to containers. The … continue reading

Connecting Jenkins Pipelines to the XebiaLabs DevOps Platform for DevSecOps

RECORDED EVENT: For many, the transition to DevOps starts small, in a single team or a new project and often involves pieced-together open source solutions with little to no security. To scale effectively, deploying daily, hourly or even more frequently, is a requirement, which is why Jenkins is a popular choice by development teams to … continue reading

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