Topic: cloud computing

Apprenda middleware takes up multi-tenancy in the cloud

SaaSGrid express, a free version of its application server, provides multi-tenancy and grid scalability … continue reading

From the Editors: The cloud talks dollars and sense

Good cloud programming means lower hosting costs; a quick look at this year’s SD Times 100 … continue reading

IBM to acquire Cast Iron Systems for cloud boost

IBM will roll Cast Iron’s software into its business process and integration software portfolio … continue reading

Fortify checks app security before cloud deployment

The Cloud Readiness Scorecard checks for defects and alerts developers of potential problems … continue reading

Cloud development ties code to dollars

Conference attendees learn that a hidden benefit for cloud computing is the correlation between quality code and lower bills … continue reading

Ravenflow requirements authoring moves to the cloud

RAVEN Cloud can take written requirements and convert them into diagrams, and a fall release is planned … continue reading

eCube looks to bridge older systems, cloud

The latest version of the NXTera RPC middleware now supports legacy systems migrating to Linux and virtualized stacks … continue reading

RSA keynote: Lack of security in the cloud breeds distrust

Experts say that until cloud security standards mature and are adopted more widely, adoption will be tepid … continue reading

The cloud changes how people interact with software

Greater specialization and an increased focus on accessibility is forcing developers to reconsider how they design interfaces … continue reading

Adobe moves LiveCycle application platform to the cloud

Release gives developers just what they need to create targeted business process-oriented applications … continue reading widens cloud development platform

The company has created Visual Process Manager, a group of services that add a process designer, wizard builder and more … continue reading

Web Service ‘Agent’ automates SOA in the cloud

UC4 Agent for Web Services handles Web service management and scheduling … continue reading Protection Status