Topic: oracle

From the Editors: Gosling’s escape is symbolic

Oracle will handle Java the way it sees best for its business; how will Visual Studio 2010’s new features play out? … continue reading

Oracle launches master data management application

Supplier Hub and Supplier Lifecycle Management are the company’s way of helping cut costs for managing suppliers … continue reading

James Gosling leaves Oracle

“The Father of Java” at Sun Microsystems leaves the company that bought his old haunt, and he plans to take some time off … continue reading

PostgreSQL grows despite Oracle’s claims

Oracle still reassures customers that it will improve MySQL, but increased interest in PostgreSQL shows worry in the market … continue reading

Oracle hits the road about merger

As Sun’s management departs, Oracle goes on a nationwide tour to spread its message. But some developers aren’t yet satisfied … continue reading

Oracle acquires AmberPoint

Today’s merger will probably affect most of AmberPoint’s existing partnerships with other companies … continue reading

Oracle completes Sun acquisition

As Oracle maps out its future, greater attention is paid to PostgreSQL, which is considered a counterbalance to MySQL … continue reading Protection Status