The Scrum Alliance, a not-for-profit professional membership organization dedicated to advancing the agile project management framework Scrum, has announced the creation of a new membership level for their organization.
The Basic Membership level will be open to all who are interested in Scrum. This contrasts with the other Scrum Alliance membership levels which were only open to graduates of CSM and CSPO courses, Certified Scrum Developers, Certified Scrum Professionals, Certified Scrum Coaches and Certified Scrum Trainers.
“I see the move as a way to engage all those interested in changing the way we deliver products – whether they are certified or not” said Bob Sarni of RippleRock.  “Some have interest in certification and the education received, others are just interested in education and awareness – all should be focused on practice, sharing, improving and innovation.”
Those who sign up for the new Basic Membership will receive the Scrum Alliance e-newsletter, event discounts and advance look industry announcements via the Scrum Alliance blog. The Basic Membership level also offers individuals access to sections of the Scrum Alliance website that are not available to the general public, including an expanded profile, case-studies, and the ability to comment on and participate in article discussions. Also there are the intangible benefits to joining the Scrum Alliance.
Members will have a chance to learn from the brightest minds in the Agile community, and have an opportunity to network with Scrum Alliance community members.
“We’re glad to be able to offer a Basic Membership subscription for individuals who aren’t Scrum Alliance-certified. I look forward to their contributions both on our website and at upcoming events,” said Donna Farmer, Managing Director of the Scrum Alliance.
Opening up membership in the Scrum Alliance to more potential members will help spread the reach and influence of Scrum. As those who are interested in learning about Scrum get a chance to experience the framework and its ideas first hand, they will be able to help spread the positive impact of Scrum.
The cost of the Basic Membership is $100 for one year.
Since 2008, the Scrum Alliance has been a tax-exempt organization under IRS code 501(c)(6) as a business league/professional association. As such, the Scrum Alliance does not profit from membership fees. They go toward hosting Gatherings, creating the website, supporting local user groups and funding outreach and education throughout the world.