Zeichick’s Take: Put away the forklift, I’ve got FORTRAN on my mind

Programming languages today are a good mix of updated legacy languages and new tools based on modern concepts … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Fast cars! Fast phones! And a new developer conference!

The North American International Auto Show and the Consumer Electronics Show made headlines, but another show is coming… … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Remembering John McCarthy

A reader shares his own perspective on the most important contributions of the legendary creator of AI and LISP … continue reading

Look what 2011 washed in: The year that was in mobile development

SD Times begins its look back at 2011, starting with the continued growth of mobile development … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Securing the data

Security can’t account for every last threat or vulnerability, but programmers should still strive for maximum protection … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Introducing AnDevCon III, May 2012

Scheduling the next Android Developer Conference turned into an odyssey … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Why is video conferencing so hard?

Problems with audio, service-sharing and multi-party conferencing plague this method of communication … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Was Apple right about Flash?

The company picked HTML5 over Adobe’s technology; time has proven it to be the right decision … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: The latest from SD Times World Headquarters

SD Times has new bloggers, upcoming shows, and a new section to the website … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: On slide rules and smartphones

Thinking about the old contraptions gave Alan an idea for a smartphone app … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Google searches and quantitative methods

Alan stumbles upon a study that lays out a solid strategy for educating developers and testers … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: No, I am not satisfied

Alan wants all you retailers and service companies to cool it with the post-purchase surveys! … continue reading

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