The suits are here, as are the geeks. Now the goal is to get these two sides to come together … continue reading
Video games are the most popular kind of applications in mobile app stores. What can enterprises learn from them? … continue reading
Damien Katz will focus on Couchbase, while Apache CouchDB prepared for BigCouch … continue reading
Emerging market for platform-as-a-service should heat up even more as 2012 begins … continue reading
New support for CSS3 supplements JavaFX 2.0 features and UI enhancements … continue reading
HBase and cluster managements tools are highlights of the new offering … continue reading
A bevy of IDEs target Mac OS as replacements or alternatives to Apple’s own Xcode IDE … continue reading
Businesses loved the cloud in 2010; in 2011, developers learned to love it too … continue reading
Oracle’s stewardship has led to real progress for the venerable coding language … continue reading
With so many amazing video games out there in the wild, software developers can learn a lot from the lessons from them … continue reading
Three-month snapshot shows that Java still is on top, and jobs for developers are opening at a steady pace … continue reading
Improvements also increase the speed of load balancing … continue reading