End users today have been conditioned to expect a lot from their applications. First, they should have an amazingly easy experience. They also should be able to utilize all the features of the device they’re running on. Apps should be intuitive and actually help users along, by anticipating and pre-filling data entry into forms and … continue reading
The latest issue of SD Times is now available. The December issue features waving the flag for feature experimentation, a legacy app modernization buyers guide, and a look back at 2019. Read on to learn more… … continue reading
Over the past 10 years, many organizations that create software have adopted DevOps technologies, all of which were designed to help organizations deliver quality software faster. They’ve adopted CI/CD pipelines, they’ve embraced Agile coding practices, they’ve shifted security and testing to happen earlier in the development cycle, and yet companies still lament they’re not delivering … continue reading
The SD Times November 2019 issue is now available. This month’s issue features how to be Agile with the right mindset, saving Flash from extinction and the opportunities that still remain in Hadoop. Read on to learn more… … continue reading
This year’s Companies to Watch in 2020 really highlights the seismic shifts that have been occurring in our industry. While the seminal development steps of project management, code notation and debugging are represented, so are serverless management, containerization and APIs. These companies are making products that set them apart in a crowded landscape, and are … continue reading
The SD Times October 2019 issue is now available. This month’s issue features companies we are keeping our eyes on, the 2019 testing showcase, and evaluating whether or not serverless is right for you. Read on to learn more… … continue reading
Eggplant helps organizations put users at the center of software testing to create amazing digital experiences that drive user adoption, conversion, and retention. Our Digital Automation Intelligence Suite interacts with software exactly like a real user to test the true user experience, and auto-generates tests at the UI and API level for greater productivity. Eggplant … continue reading
Broadcom: With an integrated portfolio spanning the complete DevOps toolchain from planning to performance, Broadcom delivers the tools and expertise to help companies achieve DevOps success on platforms from mobile to mainframe. We are driving innovation with BlazeMeter Continuous Testing Platform, Intelligent Pipeline from Automic, Mainframe DevOps with Zowe, and more. CircleCI: The company offers … continue reading
There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to successfully implementing DevOps, but there are some concrete methods you need in place to help get you there. The “2019 Accelerate State of DevOps” report found that efforts like automation and monitoring can help organizations improve the speed of software delivery and create value. “For example, … continue reading
One of the basic premises of DevOps is to break down barriers between development and IT teams that historically functioned in relative siloes. Collaboration is the core tenet that makes DevOps work. As teams start to collaborate in real time, the idea is they will see fewer errors and more opportunities for innovation. Getting teams … continue reading
In 2018, 38 percent of infrastructure decision-makers that implemented DevOps and automated their continuous deployment and release automation efforts saw revenue growth of 10 percent or more from the prior year. In contrast, only 25 percent of those that had not adopted DevOps reported comparable growth, according to Forrester Research, Inc. Continuous integration and continuous … continue reading
“We want to change the conversation about tooling in DevOps. Everyone is ‘doing’ DevOps, but only a handful are getting the value they expected. Why? They’re using the wrong tools or applying tools in the wrong ways. The solution is to apply the right tools at the right times, and for the right reasons,” said … continue reading