Bloomberg, Capital One, and tens of thousands of developers are using open source Cloud Native Buildpacks to transition application source code to container images that can be easily maintained and updated.

Paketo Buildpacks, an implementation of the cloud Native Buildpacks, run on any container runtime that supports container images, which makes them suitable for  Docker and Kubernetes based environments. And, the project makes available production-ready Buildpacks for the most popular languages and frameworks, that are also compatible with CI/CD integrations such as CircleCI, Gitlab, Tekton, and others.

Just bring your app and Paketo Buildpacks will detect what language your app is using, gather the required dependencies, and build it into an image.

  • With Buildpacks in your CI, you can patch the OS layer of your app images without rebuilding the entire application.
  • Also, the Buildpack will automatically create the software bill of materials (SBOM) for greater visibility into your software supply chain.
  • Know what is inside application images to enforce security and compliance requirements, and perform upgrades with minimal effort and intervention.

Join Cloud Foundry’s Chief Evangelist, Ram Iyengar, to learn more about Paketo Buildpacks and see them in action so that you’ll be able to take advantage of Paketo Buildpacks in your work.


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