Develop Highly Performant Applications Using Redis as anActive-Active Database

Recorded Event: Today’s applications must be highly interactive and scalable, geo-distributed and with low-latency.  With an architecture based on breakthrough academic research: conflict-free replicated data type (CRDT), Redis is ideal as an underlying active-active database for these apps. This architecture enables Redis replicas to exchange behind-the-scenes data updates and conflict resolution through consensus-free protocols.   … continue reading

Business Process Modeling – Best Practices for the Enterprise

RECORDED EVENT: How do you currently document and layout your business processes? A whiteboard? Sticky notes? A simple diagramming tool? Have you considered a more sophisticated, dedicated process mapping tool? This can help improve the efficiency and accuracy of your processes, leading to better business results. By moving to a dedicated process mapping software, business … continue reading

How Value-Driven Organizations Gain Visibility As They Scale Agile

RECORDED EVENT: In this webinar, you’ll hear from Agile expert, author and thought-leader Al Shalloway, CEO of Net Objectives and Olga Ikhelis, Product Specialist at Targetprocess as they share how Agile methodology and enterprise-ready tools come together in the real world for true business agility. They will share insights on how to provide greater visibility … continue reading

Survey Results In! Your Peers Are Using Usage Analytics to Build Better Products

RECORDED EVENT: Gartner has identified Software Usage Analytics as an “on the rise” emerging technology that is enabling software providers to improve customer experience. But how is that translating in developers’ daily lives? According to the results of a recent survey on data trends by SD Times, almost 85 percent of respondents reported that customer … continue reading

Embedding security into your cloud-native pipeline

RECORDED EVENT: In today’s modern software factories, organizations are shifting security to the left. No longer just the purview of firewalls, security needs to be built in during development and deployment processes. By doing so, organizations can ensure they are limiting vulnerabilities getting into production while cutting costs of both downtime and code rework. Learn … continue reading

Digital Performance Management Webinar

Recorded Event: Why aren’t your website visitors converting? Are they just browsing? Is the offer not right? Or is your website too slow? A faster, more reliable website has been proven to increase engagement and deliver more revenue. Which can lead to higher order values, better conversion rates, stronger brand loyalty, and more positive business … continue reading

Adopt and Scale an Effective Unit Testing Practice for Java with Guided Unit Test Creation

RECORDED EVENT: There is no doubt that a solid unit testing practice is fundamental for building a successful testing strategy, but organizations struggle to effectively adopt and scale unit testing. Stymied by the effort, specialized skills, and time required to create, scale, and maintain an effective unit testing practice, many end up with gaps in … continue reading

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