How to Engineer Your Digital Transformation

Recorded Webinar Learn the latest tips from the experts! Gary Gruver’s latest book Engineering the Digital Transformation provides systematic approaches for improving how software is developed for a broad range of applications. This webinar will provide an overview of the key takeaways from Gary’s newest book. … continue reading

What problem are we looking to solve with value stream management

Recorded Event: In this webinar we will talk about the last year in value stream management and value stream integration. We will try to answer questions like what is next for value stream and what is the real problem we are solving with value stream management and value stream integration. Also why value stream optimization … continue reading

Time To Modernize Your Database : Making The Move To NoSQL Is Easier Than You Think

Recorded Event Join us to see how making the move to NoSQL is easier than you think, getting higher value from your applications today and going beyond what you can achieve with legacy relational database technology. … continue reading

Create Trust in the Software Supply Chain

Recorded Event: The open source world is maturing and with that maturity comes the expectation that you can trust the open source used in software solutions. Studies show that a large percentage of mainstream IT organizations and manufacturers leverage open source in applications, libraries, containers, etc. Open source software license compliance and vulnerability management have … continue reading

How ExaVault optimized its customer experience using performance monitoring

Recorded Event: Downtime caused by application performance issues hurts. From lost revenue to eroding customer experience, there are many ramifications when development teams are unable to quickly identify and fix the root cause. Understanding the high stakes of downtime, ExaVault needed to adopt a new application monitoring strategy that improved system-wide performance, reliability and provided … continue reading

Who Owns Application Security in the Age of DevOps?

RECORDED EVENT: In this session, we will present the latest insights leading AppSec and open source security to shift left into early stages, based on research that encompassed a survey of over 650 software developers worldwide. We will also discuss other strategies and tools that can be used to develop both quickly and securely. … continue reading

Treating Database Code Just Like App Code

Recorded Event: Application developers want a fast DevOps process. However, database development and DataOps processes follow a different workflow which ends up creating a significant bottleneck in an otherwise streamlined process. But it doesn’t have to be that way. When it comes to data and database code many application development best practices still apply. … continue reading

The 4 Key Pillars of Smart Continuous Testing in DevOps

Recorded Event:  A unified testing solution can serve DevOps teams with greater effectiveness. It is also key to achieving continuous testing. But to get there, your solution must be built upon the following four pillars: – Streamlined test creation and maintenance. – Scalable test execution within the pipeline. – A stable and secure lab within … continue reading

How to Make Predictive Analytics Your Next Passion Project

RECORDED EVENT: Predictive analytics is now the #1 feature on application roadmaps. Developers of all skill levels are creating predictive algorithms and making headway on new projects in their spare time. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a data scientist to get started with predictive analytics. Join this webinar to get a quick-and-dirty guide to … continue reading

2019 Open Source Security Report: Challenges and Positive Trends

Recorded Event: Open source components form the foundation of modern applications, but ineffective open source risk management can lead to security breaches that negatively affect your business and damage your brand. The Open Source Security and Risk Analysis (OSSRA) report examines trends in open source usage and risk management practices based on the audits of … continue reading

Is Your Data Architecture Ready for Microservices?

RECORDED EVENT: As applications are being redesigned into microservices for a composable architecture – primarily driven by agility needs for faster evolution – a key thought line that evolved is the need for separation of state and business logic. What is missing in this thought line, however, is a clear understanding of the nuances of … continue reading

The Realities and Myths of AI in Software Testing

Recorded Event: Organizations want to adopt artificial intelligence to speed up testing, and free humans from mundane tasks, but unlike other industry initiatives, you can’t simply download a tool and have it work. Real AI has real benefits, but it takes time to realize them. Feeding the system data and then training it to learn are among … continue reading

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