Topic: aiops

Working toward AIOps maturity? It’s never too early (or late) for platform engineering

Until about two years ago, many enterprises were experimenting with isolated proofs of concept or managing limited AI projects, with results that often had little impact on the company’s overall financial or operational performance. Few companies were making big bets on AI, and even fewer executive leaders lost their jobs when AI initiatives didn’t pan … continue reading

APM: Cutting through the noise

It seems like the industry is leaving application performance management (APM) behind and moving towards a new observability world. But don’t be fooled. While vendors are rebranding themselves as observability tools, APM is still an important piece of the puzzle.  “Observability is becoming a bigger focus today, but APM just by design will continue to … continue reading

AIOps enables 5-star multi-cloud apps

Every company is going digital today and user experience is everything. However, deployment of dynamic, hybrid cloud infrastructure and the explosion of connected devices creates a lot of challenges in monitoring performance of digital services. Therefore, organizations are still struggling to build end-to-end pipelines that help ensure their applications and the business remain available, reliable … continue reading

Industry Watch: BizOps — Bridging the age-old divide

Since my introduction into the software development industry in 1999, there has been one theme underlying all our coverage of tools, processes and methodologies: Getting business and IT to work closer together. At first, this divide was chalked up to the fact that the two sides did not speak the same language. The business side … continue reading

Digital experience monitoring: An outside-in view

Gartner research describes three things that are required  for a solution to be categorized as application performance monitoring: application discovery, diagnostics and tracing; data analysis; and digital experience monitoring. Digital experience monitoring, or DEM as it is sometimes called, is different from the other types of monitoring because it takes an outside-in view of the … continue reading

APM, AIOps and Observability

Monitoring your applications comes in many forms. There’s traditional application performance management, which begat AIOps, which begat observability. But are there really any differences? If so, where are they? Some believe these are marketing terms used to differentiate tools. Others point to it as more of an evolution of monitoring. All that said, the performance … continue reading Protection Status