Topic: android

SD Times Blog: Reading between the lines at Google I/O

Keynote surprises with DIY virtual reality, and telling omissions of Google Glass and Google+ … continue reading

Inside NativeScript: Telerik’s new cross-platform framework

Native mobile framework will allow developers to build Android, iOS and Windows Phone apps solely in JavaScript … continue reading

Android L debuts at Google I/O

Operating system features a new design approach, 5,000 new APIs, and improved performance and battery life … continue reading

Critical security problem found in Google Play

A team of computer scientists made a large-scale measurement of Google Play and found thousands of secret keys … continue reading

Latest release of Appmethod enables developers to use C++ to create and publish Android apps faster than ever

New complimentary subscription plan gives C++ developers free Android phone targeting forever … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Bringing Android to your PC

New Kickstarter project, Console OS, promises to let users toggle between Windows and Android on desktop and tablets … continue reading

AnDevCon shows many paths to Android success

Conference focused on making applications stand out in a crowded marketplace … continue reading

Firefox OS apps now run on Android

With Firefox for Android 29, developers can now run their Firefox OS Open Web Apps natively on Android … continue reading

Google announces Project Tango development kit

The dev kit is powered by the NVIDIA Tegra K1 processor and comes with integrated depth sensing, motion tracking and WiFi … continue reading

Weather by design: How Yahoo built an award-winning Android app

SD Times got an exclusive video interview with app creators Albert Song and Alex Hanuska at AnDevCon … continue reading

Android support is coming for RubyMotion 3.0

iOS and OS X tool chain for Ruby development to add Android support in next release … continue reading

Update: Xamarin 3 releases Apple Xcode alternative

Release includes Xamarin Designer for iOS, Xamarin.Forms, and F# functional programming support … continue reading Protection Status