Topic: capacitor

Apple to end UIWebView API support

The end of Apple’s UIWebView support is quickly approaching. The company announced that as of April 2020 it will no longer accept new apps that use the UIWebView API, and as of December 2020 the company will no longer accept app updates that use UIWebView.  “If your app still embeds web content using the deprecated … continue reading

Diagram of Ionic's Capacitor project

Ionic’s Capacitor can now be added to Angular projects

Ionic has announced that its open source Capacitor project now has Angular Schematics. This means that it can be added to Angular projects. Capacitor is a bridge for cross-platform web apps. According to Ionic, “Capacitor provides a consistent, web-focused set of APIs that enable an app to stay as close to web-standards as possible, while … continue reading Protection Status