Topic: cepheus

2015: The Internet of Things takes another step

Much ink was spilled in 2015 about the Internet of Things. It’s a concept that has been bandied about for several years—remember the use case of your refrigerator letting your local grocer know when you’re out of milk? The coming together of smartphones, sensors, GPS, Bluetooth and other technologies that enable mobile interconnectivity has moved … continue reading

From the Editors: Is artificial intelligence using and abusing mankind?

There have been big advancements in artificial intelligence over the last couple of years, but it is time to start thinking what these advancements mean for mankind. Sure, it is great that these AI technologies are getting better, faster and smarter, but how smart is too smart? A group of researchers from the University of … continue reading

Poker-playing program marks breakthrough in AI, researchers say

A group of researchers from the University of Alberta have created an unbeatable poker program that they say marks a milestone in artificial intelligence and game theory. “AI researchers have a long, long history of using games as a test bed for our artificial intelligence research,” said Michael Johanson, Ph.D. student in the department of … continue reading Protection Status