Topic: gen ai

New legislation would require companies to disclose that they are training AI models on copyrighted work

Last week, California Representative Adam Schiff introduced new legislation that would require companies to be more upfront and transparent with consumers when they train generative AI models using copyrighted work. The Generative AI Copyright Disclosure Act would make it so that companies need to submit a notice to the Register of Copyrights before they release … continue reading

AI everywhere? It’s going nowhere without data movement and a connected enterprise

We all know AI is going to grow – and tech budgets are shifting accordingly. IDC expects the shift in IT spending toward AI will be fast and dramatic, impacting nearly every industry and application. By 2025, Global 2000 organizations will allocate over 40% of their core IT spend to AI-related initiatives, leading to a … continue reading

Next for Gen AI: Small, hyper-local and what innovators are dreaming up

In late 2022, ChatGPT had its “iPhone moment” and quickly became the poster child of the Gen AI movement after going viral within days of its release. For LLMs’ next wave, many technologists are eyeing the next big opportunity: going small and hyper-local.  The core factors driving this next big shift are familiar ones: a … continue reading Protection Status