Microsoft must do better by developers to get ahead in the market; thank heaven for activist judges in patent cases … continue reading
Latest version offers improved graphics and animation, and a new application performance profiler … continue reading
Apple partners with TomTom for iOS 6’s new mapping service, but Google still has ways to increase Android developer support … continue reading
Web companies like Facebook and Google have lesser-known tools that you can use for your own projects … continue reading
The fallout of Google’s lawsuit victory over Oracle. Should Google’s competitors be worried? … continue reading
New 3D debugging tool and recent ADK changes are detailed by Google developers at the third Android Developer Conference … continue reading
Why is the University of Florida shuttering its computer science program when mobile developers are in greater demand? … continue reading
These new gadgets may be for consumers, but developers may want to pay attention to them for future opportunities … continue reading
What’s in store for 2012? And what will gesture controls bring to software development? … continue reading
SD Times begins its look back at 2011, starting with the continued growth of mobile development … continue reading
Eclipse has made it through 10 years, and we salute it; Google did right by unforking Android … continue reading
Developer conference for Google’s mobile operating system highlights wearable computing and Android solutions … continue reading