Topic: google

From the Editors: And the developers shall lead them

Microsoft must do better by developers to get ahead in the market; thank heaven for activist judges in patent cases … continue reading

Google cracks open Jelly Bean OS at Google I/O

Latest version offers improved graphics and animation, and a new application performance profiler … continue reading

iOS vs. Android: Apple and Google map different routes

Apple partners with TomTom for iOS 6’s new mapping service, but Google still has ways to increase Android developer support … continue reading

Top five tools big companies have for you

Web companies like Facebook and Google have lesser-known tools that you can use for your own projects … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Oracle, Google, Motorola and patents

The fallout of Google’s lawsuit victory over Oracle. Should Google’s competitors be worried? … continue reading

Google talks tools at AnDevCon III

New 3D debugging tool and recent ADK changes are detailed by Google developers at the third Android Developer Conference … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Google I/O and Apple WWDC are hot, Univ. of Florida is not

Why is the University of Florida shuttering its computer science program when mobile developers are in greater demand? … continue reading

Top five cool things to keep an eye on from CES

These new gadgets may be for consumers, but developers may want to pay attention to them for future opportunities … continue reading

From the Editors: Of course we have predictions

What’s in store for 2012? And what will gesture controls bring to software development? … continue reading

Look what 2011 washed in: The year that was in mobile development

SD Times begins its look back at 2011, starting with the continued growth of mobile development … continue reading

From the Editors: Seeing through an Eclipse

Eclipse has made it through 10 years, and we salute it; Google did right by unforking Android … continue reading

The news from the Android Developer Conference

Developer conference for Google’s mobile operating system highlights wearable computing and Android solutions … continue reading Protection Status