Topic: google

Year in Review: Mobile development

While Oracle targeted cheaper not-so-smartphones, Apple and Google maintained their dominance for the year … continue reading

Google donates Instantiations code to Eclipse

Donation consists of CodePro Profiler and WindowBuilder; Genuitec announces support for WindowBuilder, coming in 2011 … continue reading

Google creates platform to keep watch over APIs

Developers can keep track of usage and analytics of Google APIs with the company’s new console … continue reading

Integration Watch: Oracle, IBM, and Google… and Java

Fear over Oracle’s control over Java is unfounded; its revamps to Java will improve the platform … continue reading

Short Takes: November 1, 2010

The editors talk about Apples astounding growth, Google schooling kids in programming, and more … continue reading

Google seeks dismissal of Oracle lawsuit

Android creator says claims of copyright infringement are ‘broad and vague,’ and cite Java as being open source … continue reading

Windows & .NET Watch: Big business behaving badly

Anyone who is surprised about Google’s, Oracle’s or any other large company’s actions needs to recognize what’s going on … continue reading

From the Editors: Keeping Sun’s open-source software open

Oracle’s lawsuit against Google over Java is very troubling; the future of multicore development looks bright now … continue reading

Eclipse, Google talk up Helios, Android

The two companies talk about what Eclipse’s release train means for Android developers … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Big companies behaving oddly

Some needless blunders from the big names in the computer industry leave Alan scratching his head … continue reading

Oracle sues Google

The company claims that Android violates Sun’s Java patents … continue reading

Google AppEngine looks to woo enterprises

Google’s hosting platform gets a more predictable pricing structure for businesses looking at Java or Python in the cloud … continue reading Protection Status