Topic: installers

New InstallAware X17: Future-Proof, Azure Trusted, Dongle-Free Code Signing

InstallAware Software, the technology leader in software installation, repackaging, and virtualization solutions for app developers and enterprises, today launched InstallAware X17. InstallAware X17 confers instant trust on packages it signs via its implementation of Azure Trusted Signing, which grants complete trust with purely electronic signing. This separates it from ordinary verification certificates, which are easy … continue reading

SourceForge removes offending Binkiland software from its installer

SourceForge has removed Binkiland, software believed to be malware by users of the open-source code repository, from its well of installer options for developers. Roberto Galoppini, director of the SourceForge Community, explained that the company tries to review all of the third-party, paid-for-install software before it goes into its installer, but sometimes they have to … continue reading

Industry Watch: Bits from my reporter’s notebook

Stories overlooked from this past year: Breakthroughs in automation, and the efficiency of software installers … continue reading Protection Status