Topic: ios

Will Apple’s iOS 5 bear fruit with developers?

The notification center, iCloud, and the location simulation should ease pain points for programmers … continue reading

webOS no great loss for developers

HP wasn’t able to build momentum for the former Palm operating system … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: BetaCity: Windows Phone, Android, iOS and the shape of the mobile landscape

Are these three companies locked in a race? Or are they guaranteed a spot in the market for the forseeable future? … continue reading

Six areas where Android leads iOS

Though iOS 5 closed the gap a bit, developer Dave Smith has found areas where Apple still needs to do work … continue reading

Top five features iOS 5 brings to the table

Notifications, clouds, updates, Xcode and reference counting give iPhone and iPad developers new tools for their work … continue reading

Google’s Motorola Mobility buy could ease developer pain points

A standard for Android could eliminate some fragmentation, analyst says … continue reading

Patent system is patently uneven

Google, world’s courts press throw light on the question of whether software patents protect ideas or reduce innovation … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Google to buy Motorola Mobility – it may be a patent play

Google might be calculating that Android will be strengthened by buying Motorola Mobility’s patent portfolio. … continue reading

Five tips for tablet adoption

Forrester’s Ted Schadler lists ways a business can emphasize the benefits of tablets, by educating, prioritizing, and more … continue reading

Windows & .NET Watch: Microsoft’s iHeel

Apple has won the enthusiasm battle for smartphones and can use that advantage to encroach on Microsoft’s turf … continue reading Protection Status