Topic: java

Integration Watch: Java 7 looking good

Java 7 adds support for dynamic languages, expanded libraries and reduced verbosity … continue reading

James Gosling leaves Oracle

“The Father of Java” at Sun Microsystems leaves the company that bought his old haunt, and he plans to take some time off … continue reading

Software AG’s IDE evolution is only Natural

NaturalONE aims to preserve Natural’s install base by appealing to Java developers working with existing applications … continue reading

Lift Framework brings Scala to Web

Java developers working with Scala now have a fast path to the Web in the latest version of the Rails-inspired framework … continue reading

Apache Pivot brings Java into RIA world

Open-source Java-based RIA framework brings speed of other RIA development environments to a pure Java world … continue reading

premium From the Editors: Looking back at 2009

The big stories of 2009: the cloud, Java and mobile development. For 2010, all those will be big and more … continue reading Protection Status