Topic: linux containers

From the Editors: Nine predictions for 2015

It’s the time of year when every pundit, analysis and researcher puts on his “Carnac the Magnificent” hat and tries to peer into the future to determine which trends will bubble to the top. We’re no different, except for one thing: Top 10 lists are SO Letterman! So cliché! So, in the spirit of differentiation, … continue reading

Docker does deployment deconstruction

It’s only really been two years since Docker came onto the scene, but in that time, the technology has leapfrogged other methods of deployment to become the hottest new thing in software development. Companies like CoreOS, IBM, Red Hat and massive telecom CenturyLink have all jumped on board the Docker bandwagon. CoreOS, for example, acquired … continue reading

Progress acquires Modulus to strengthen Node.js offerings

Modulus PaaS allows for greater access to public or private clouds for developers … continue reading

Red Hat pushes Linux Containers

This week’s Red Hat Summit shows future of company in the open cloud, but it’s not just about Linux and JBoss anymore … continue reading Protection Status