Revelation that Samsung tried paying StackOverflow contributors to do its marketing is the tip of the astroturfing iceberg … continue reading
Can the company get Windows 8 going, and will its reorganization efforts bear fruit? … continue reading
Things have changed since it was first released as a PaaS. Now Microsoft is (mostly) on par with Amazon’s EC2 … continue reading
Apple, Google, Microsoft: Every bit of bad news is making everyone fret for no apparent reason … continue reading
Indie developers will have the chance to create and publish games in the Xbox Live Marketplace … continue reading
NetCom Learning has the training packages that developers need to prepare for Microsoft’s new certification … continue reading
Acquisition is designed to boost Microsoft’s DevOps efforts … continue reading
Microsoft is more bifurcated than ever before, and yet the company’s product vision hasn’t changed … continue reading
Microsoft focuses on helping developers while bringing the message of agility upstream … continue reading
Apple and Microsoft need to find a happy medium; databases are in a chaotic place now and that’s okay … continue reading
Partnership gives open-source developers access to Microsoft ecosystem beyond what it normally gives … continue reading
The open-source 3D printing community has proven itself to be innovative, and this is a big help … continue reading