Topic: rag

GraphRAG – SD Times Open Source Project of the Week

GraphRAG is an open source research project out of Microsoft for creating knowledge graphs from datasets that can be used in retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). RAG is an approach in which data is fed into an LLM to give more accurate responses. For instance, a company might use RAG to be able to use its own … continue reading

Qdrant introduces alternative to BM25 search tailored to improving RAG retrieval

The vector database Qdrant has developed a new vector-based hybrid search capability, BM42, which provides accurate and efficient retrieval for RAG applications.  The name is a reference to BM25, which is a text based search that has been used as the standard in search engines for the last 40 years.  According to Qdrant, the introduction … continue reading

Elastic launches low-code interface for experimenting with RAG implementation

Elastic has just released a new tool called Playground that will enable users to experiment with retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) more easily. RAG is a practice in which local data is added to an LLM, such as private company data or data that is more up-to-date than the LLMs training set. This allows it to give … continue reading

DataStax releases a number of updates to better facilitate RAG implementation

DataStax is making a number of improvements to its development platform that will allow developers to more easily implement retrieval augmented generation (RAG) in their generative AI applications.  “The Generative AI stack is a big and complex ball of technology that many are working to get their arms around. We’re focused on helping developers stay … continue reading

RAG is the next exciting advancement for LLMs

One of the challenges with generative AI models has been that they tend to hallucinate responses. In other words, they will present an answer that is factually incorrect, but will be confident in doing so, sometimes even doubling down when you point out that what they’re saying is wrong. “[Large language models] can be inconsistent … continue reading Protection Status