Topic: security

Forrester: Companies still not using secure practices

Lack of security tools suitable for developers cited among reasons why … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Software quality assurance by the numbers

How are enterprise developers handling quality assurance and security? … continue reading

Letters to the Editor: An assertion not well designed

Designing and coding should be two separate things; complacency is killing software security … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Preying on the weaknesses

Whatever we’re doing for software security, it’s not enough. We need to keep vigilant … continue reading

Cybercrime: How organizations can protect themselves

Information Security Forum vice president Steve Durbin talks about cyber-resilience and collaboration … continue reading

From the Editors: Best practices for software security

Security is a top-down process; DevOps isn’t just driven by vendors … continue reading

SAFECode guides agile developers in security

Group issues paper listing 36 practices to reduce software security flaws … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Is that really you, Dave?

Can computers be trained to verify a user’s identity by monitoring their behavior? They just might … continue reading

Apple is finally taking security seriously

Apple was once seen as untouchable in the world of security. After the Flashback outbreak, that image is no more … continue reading

As open-source adoption grows, so do security risks

Companies do not keep good records of open-source use, nor do they check in enough with open-source communities … continue reading

Survey: A third of development teams keep open-source records

Lack of management, governance of code use leaves organizations vulnerable to security breaches … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: With software security, we’re outgunned

Hackers are one step ahead of security efforts, and are better organized than the businesses they target … continue reading Protection Status