Topic: security

Department of Homeland Security lays down security suggestions

Common Weakness Enumeration version 2.0 highlights flaws in software development practices … continue reading

Move to cloud drives security efforts, report shows

The third annual HP/Capgemini World Quality Report also points out increasing use of the cloud in developing economies … continue reading

Are your Web apps safe?

Not enough attention has been paid to Web security yet; here are ways to check, and secure, your Web applications … continue reading

Toxic Personalities: Preventing the Spread of Confidential Information

There are more than a few ways information can inadvertently slip out; here’s how to keep that from happening … continue reading

Survey reveals that security and quality processes are not being followed

A lack of interest from upper management and a lack of education are contributing to potentially costly vulnerabilities … continue reading

Creative cybercriminals will thrive in 2011

Security experts warn that cybercriminals will be better able to take advantage of tactics that cover their tracks … continue reading

HP builds up its Security-as-a-Service

Fortify On-Demand is designed to protect applications running in cloud environments … continue reading

A bounty on your applications

Stress tests on one’s security systems are best carried out by testers working for the company, not outsiders … continue reading

IBM adds analysis techniques to AppScan security software

String and hybrid analysis are designed to address vulnerabilities at earliest stage of development … continue reading

Metadata Security for SharePoint Adds Security Permissions

Titus Metadata Security for SharePoint allows permissions to be assigned based on the recipient’s Active Directory properties … continue reading

Short Takes: October 15, 2010

Ruminations on maximizing your Twitter profile, business intelligence as a predictor, and what Stuxnet means for security … continue reading

Putting some teeth into software security

The IT security industry is finding new ways to survive and thrive in today’s market … continue reading Protection Status