Topic: serena software

Navigating the endless ALM river

Agile development and DevOps are fueling the evolution of application life-cycle management (ALM) as delivery cycles continue to shrink. While the original promise of end-to-end visibility and traceability is still important, today’s ALM is more about continuous processes. Microsoft’s Team Foundation Server (TFS) and Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) reflect that and the changes that … continue reading

Why software tools need to adjust to the changing landscape of ALM

There’s no hiding the changes happening in the application life cycle. Heavily influenced by the likes of DevOps and agile, ALM today is affected by market disruptions and the role that business leaders and stakeholders play throughout the process of delivering software. Companies are focusing on the rapid and continuously changing landscape of ALM and … continue reading

Micro Focus announces completion of Serena Software acquisition

As a way to increase its DevOps capabilities, Micro Focus completed its US$540 million acquisition of Serena today. “Our customers continue to look at DevOps as a way to deploy critical applications and services quickly and with greater reliability to meet business demands,” said Stephen Murdoch, CEO of Micro Focus. “The Serena acquisition extends our ability … continue reading

Micro Focus to acquire Serena Software

Micro Focus has announced it intends to acquire application life-cycle management provider Serena Software. The transaction is valued at US$540 million and is expected to close in May 2016. Neither company would discuss the deal beyond their official statements announcing the acquisition. “Today’s announcement marks another significant milestone for Micro Focus, bringing together two highly … continue reading

How to plug into DevOps

The DevOps movement is gaining momentum, albeit at different speeds in different organizations. While the goal has been to streamline workflows between development and operations teams, there are a number of technological and cultural challenges companies have to address to optimize DevOps, and more importantly the entire software life cycle. If you’re confused about how … continue reading

DevOps: It’s all about the culture

In an environment where the development teams get along with the operations teams, organizations are finding it easier to deliver software faster, with better quality. What’s their secret? DevOps. “With DevOps, you get agility, you get speed, you have the ability to deploy applications very quickly, which means that you can release new features and … continue reading

Serena aims to be a Git and Subversion alternative with updated Dimensions CM

Dimensions CM 14 enables development teams to visualize health and quality of changes made to code … continue reading

Tasktop adds support to all members of software delivery teams

Tasktop Sync 3.0 includes new capabilities for teams using products from Serena, Rally, JIRA and Clarity PPM … continue reading

Serena Software Redefines Automation of the Application Release Lifecycle

Serena Release Manager v5 addresses the quality, speed and predictability of software releases … continue reading Protection Status