Topic: testing automation

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SD Times news digest: PyTorch 1.9 now available, BrowserStack closes $200 million Series B funding round, Uno Platform 3.8 now available

PyTorch 1.9 was released with major improvements to support scientific computing including torch.linalg, torch.special and Complex Autograd. The Complex Autograd feature improves testing for complex operators by adding more OpInfos and adding a greater validation through a TorchAudio migration to native complex tensors.  The new version also includes major improvements to on-device binary size with … continue reading

Guest View: Why testing metrics are critical to the QA process

Test metrics are an integral part of the QA process. They provide granular information that helps engineers accurately assess the quality of software builds and figure out what is and isn’t working in the testing process. Metrics are the building blocks of progress and improvement in software creation. Examples of test metrics and what they … continue reading Protection Status