TITUS, a leading provider of security and compliance solutions for email and documents, today announced TITUS Document Policy Manager for SharePoint, a product that will automatically add visual markings like headers, footers and watermarks to Microsoft Office and Adobe PDF documents stored in a Microsoft SharePoint document library.

“Many organizations that are looking to achieve compliance with regulatory standards such as ISO27001, CUI, or GPMS,  and require their documents to be marked with visual classification labels,” said Charlie Pulfer, VP Product Manager with TITUS. “Document Policy Manager for SharePoint will help them to meet this requrement by automatically adding headers, footers and watermarks to documents saved in SharePoint.”

If Microsoft Office documents are stored in Microsoft SharePoint, with relevent metadata, TITUS Document Policy Manager for SharePoint  can automatically mark these documents with appropriate  visual markings, as well as automatically convert them to Adobe PDF.  The metadata can be leveraged to determine the types of policies that must be applied.  In addition, if an organization has hundreds or thousands of existing documents, this product can automatically bulk mark and convert those documents to PDF.

Key Benefits of TITUS Document Policy Manager for SharePoint include:

• Helping organizations ensure compliance  and raise awareness  by automatically applying consistent markings to documents, and tracking when and by whom documents are opened and printed
• Ease of use and administration
• Automatic conversion of sensitive documents into PDF format , and keeping PDF versions of original documents up-to-date
• Managing legacy documents by applying bulk document marking and PDF conversion to repositories of these documents

TITUS Document Policy Manager for SharePoint will be available Spring 2011.