#1: Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide
Airbnb’s JavaScript style guide comes with the tagline, “A mostly reasonable approach to JavaScript.” Its contents include every JavaScript element under the sun, from types, arrays and strings, to modules, constructors and jQuery.

#2: Android Bootstrap
These Bootstrap style buttons with Font Awesome were forked by Bearded Hen with tons of features, including min SDK 7, rounded, disabled text, and pretty much every other kind of button you can think of. Tabs and action bar functionality are coming soon…

#3: Ink
This responsive e-mail framework created by Zurb quickly puts together HTML e-mails that work on any device or client. The framework includes a 12-column grid and some simple UI elements for rapid prototyping.

#4: LANs.py
Dan McInerney created this multi-thread asynchronous packet parsing/injecting ARP spoofer. (Try saying that five times fast.) It captures and injects traffic on a LAN, individually ARF spoofing the target, router and DNS server if necessary.

#5: Martini

Martini is a Jeremy Saenz (a.k.a. “codegangsta”) creation for quickly writing modular Web applications and services in golang. The powerful “classy Web development” package plays nice with other golang packages, and its modular design plus path matching and routing makes this Martini go down smooth.