A project for intelligent road signs and traffic lights has begun.

Siemens AG and Cohda Wireless announced today that they will collaborate on Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I), an initiative for wireless exchange of critical safety and operational data between vehicles and roadway infrastructure—including traffic lights. It presents drivers with immediate dangers, ultimately helping them avoid crashes, and it’s a part of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems.

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Siemens expects to deploy transport infrastructure on a global level, including overhead sign gantries and traffic lights in its V2I roadside units. Those roadside units (RSUs) are radio modules that transmit information like speed limits, dangerous road conditions, traffic jams and congestion. In addition, RSUs can transfer all of this information to vehicles and traffic control centers in a fraction of a second. The success of V2I technologies would decrease traffic congestion and accidents, the companies claim.

RSUs for Siemens will be produced by Cohda Wireless, which will allow the infrastructure to communicate with connected vehicles. Siemens will also base its Sitraffic ESCoS RSU in Cohda’s MK5 Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) family by using NXP’s RoadLINK chipsets. The Sitraffic platform is a traffic-management platform that can deliver information to and from cars or vehicles equipped with V2X technology.