#1: Rainyday.js
Exactly as simple as it sounds, Rainyday is a script for simulating raindrops falling on a window. Marek Brodziak created this visceral project, complete with previews and demos for any number of reasons one might want to pretend it’s raining outside.

#2: Pace
Pace is an automatic Web progress bar by HubSpot. Include Pace.js and the theme of your choice, and you get a beautiful progress indicator for page loads and AJAX navigation. The minimalist design detects progress automatically, so there’s no need to hook into any additional code.

#3: Alfred Workflows
Creator Zeno Rocha thinks this collection of Alfred 2 workflows will “rock your world.” Alfred 2, a Mac OS X productivity application, is simplified and streamlined using these workflows, which cover everything from package managers, colors and the dash, to iOS simulations and Font Awesome.

#4: Semantic UI
was featured in last week’s Top 5 list.

#5: Solved by Flexbox
While it may sound a bit full of itself, Solved by Flexbox is a showcase of problems once considered hard or impossible to solve with CSS alone that were made “trivially easy” with Flexbox. Created by Philip Walton, Flexbox goes beyond a CSS framework, providing long-needed layout mechanisms, including transitions, animations, filters and more.