Want to expand or refresh your computer science knowledge, but don’t want to pay or go back to school for it? Become a self-taught computer scientist with the Open Source Society (OSS) University’s “path to free self-taught education.”
“This is a solid path for those of you who want to complete a Computer Science course on your own time, for free, with courses from the best universities in the World,” the university wrote on its GitHub Page. “In our curriculum, we gave preference to MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) type of courses because those courses were created with our style of learning in mind.”
The available courses range from an intro to computer science, algorithms, program design, programming paradigms, software testing, computer architecture, databases, cloud computing to machine learning, natural language processing, Big Data, and the Internet of Things. Students can take courses at their leisure and in any programming language. The only prerequisites for the courses include the ability to use Git and GitHub.
In addition, the university suggests students create a blog or GitHub repository to summarize what they learned, and to keep their files course files organized.
Top 5 projects trending on GitHub
#1. N1: an open-source, extensible mail client built on the Web with Electron, React and Flux.
#2: Open Source Society University: Our GitHub project of the week!
#3: Clipboard.js: The most efficient way to copy things to your clipboard yet. Clipboard.js was top trending GitHub project of the week last week.
#4: Popmotion: A 12KB JavaScript motion engine used for animation, physics and input tracking.
#5. AMP HTML: A Web-based open framework that ensure Web pages are optimized for speed and performance.