When does SCA replace SAST or DAST?

The short answer is never. There, I just saved you enough time that you can go and do the right thing and run SAST and DAST and work on hardening your code, instead of trying to test security into your application. Look, every time a new technology, process, or technique comes along there are some … continue reading

The two big traps of code test coverage

Measurement of code coverage is one of those things that always catches my attention. On the one hand, I often find that organizations don’t necessarily know how much code they are covering during testing — which is really surprising! At the other end of the coverage spectrum, there are organizations for whom the number is … continue reading

Guest View: Test anarchy: Deploy and destroy test environments

Today’s DevTest teams are under pressure to deliver more (and more innovative) software faster than ever before. And now that most organizations are relying on software as a primary interface to the customer, compromising on quality to accelerate a release is not an option. How can DevTest teams deliver “quality at speed”? Unfortunately, there’s no … continue reading

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