The .NET Foundation has announced the cross-platform build automation system Cake is joining its family. Cake is built on top of Roslyn and the Mono compiler, and is designed to help developers write build scripts in C#.
“We firmly believe that creating a reliable and maintainable build automation script is best done in the same language as the application that you are building,” according to the .NET Foundation’s blog post. “On top of the fact that Cake allows you to create build scripts using a common language, out of the box, it has support for almost 30 of the most common build tools.”
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Cake is available on Linux, OS X and Windows, and it supports common tools such as ILMerge, MSBuild, MSTest, NuGet, NUnit, SignTool and WiX. In addition, it provides almost 40 other build tools such as CMake, Gulp, Npm and Xamarin through an add-in mechanism.
The project will continue to be maintained and governed by the Cake team, with support and guidance from the .NET Foundation, according to the project’s maintainer Gary Ewan Park.
The company recently announced Cake 0.13.0 with new features and bug fixes. Features included module support, support for uploading test results to AppVeyor, and support for VSTest.
“It’s been an amazing journey since the push of the first public commit of Cake in May 2014, in just two years we’ve seen 72 releases, had more than 60 contributors, over a thousand issues and pull requests proposed. And on top of that a small ecosystem of more than 50 community provided Cake add-ins,” Park wrote in a blog post.