Mobile Labs: Mobile Labs remains the leading supplier of in-house mobile device clouds that connect remote, shared mobile devices to Global 2000 mobile web, gaming, and app engineering teams. Its patented GigaFox is offered on-premises or hosted, and solves mobile device sharing and management challenges during development, debugging, manual testing, and automated testing. A pre-installed and pre-configured Appium server provides “instant on” Appium test automation. GigaFox enables scheduling, collaboration, user management, security, mobile DevOps, and continuous automated testing for teams spread across the globe and can connect cloud devices to an industry-leading number of third-party tools. For more information please visit

Plutora: Plutora provides the most complete value stream management solution for enterprise IT, improving the speed and quality of software creation by capturing, visualizing and analyzing critical indicators of every aspect of the delivery process. Plutora orchestrates release pipelines across a diverse ecosystem of development methodologies, manages hybrid test environments, correlates data from existing toolchains, and incorporates quality metrics gathered at every step. The Plutora Platform unifies existing application delivery toolchains ensuring assets, data and artifacts flow between systems. It ensures organizational alignment of software development with business strategy and provides visibility, analytics and a system of insights into the entire value stream, guiding continuous improvement through the measured outcomes of each effort.

Postman: As APIs are becoming increasingly more important to the development lifecycle, a proper API strategy is a crucial piece of your CI/CD pipeline. Postman provides tools that support every stage of the API lifecycle from design and testing to monitoring and debugging. Postman’s command line tool, Newman is designed to help developers run and test Postman Collections directly from the command line and integrate Postman tests within their CI/CD build process. Developers can run Postman tests every time their build process kicks off, and integrate it with their CI service such as Jenkins, Travis CI or any other code deployment pipeline tool.

Adding value to your CI/CD pipeline
How do you add value to the CI/CD pipeline?

Atlassian: Atlassian offers cloud and on-premises versions of continuous delivery tools. Bitbucket Pipelines is a modern cloud-based continuous delivery service that’s built right into Atlassian’s version control system, Bitbucket Cloud. Simple to set up, Bitbucket Pipelines automates the code from test to production. Bamboo is Atlassian’s on-premises option with first-class support for the “delivery” aspect of Continuous Delivery, tying automated builds, tests and releases together in a single workflow. It gives developers, testers, build engineers, and systems administrators a common space to work and share information while keeping sensitive operations like production deploys locked down.

API Fortress: API Fortress is a continuous testing platform for APIs. It is the final piece to complete your continuous integration vision. One platform to test functionality, performance, and load. Save time with automated test generation, benefit from true cross team collaboration, leverage your existing version control system, and seamlessly integrate with any CI/CD platform. Catch problems before they are pushed live – automatically. To learn more about why companies are switching to API Fortress visit

Automic: Automic from CA Technologies, a Broadcom Company, is leader in business automation software. Automic V12 is a unified suite of business automation products for driving agility across enterprise operations and empowering DevOps initiatives. Capabilities include intelligent auto-updating of agents with zero business impact, removal of maintenance windows, agility across core business applications, and intelligent insights across automation silos.

CA Technologies, A Broadcom Company: CA Technologies’ solutions address the wide range of capabilities necessary to minimize friction in the pipeline to achieve business agility and compete in today’s marketplace. These solutions include everything from application lifecycle management to release automation to continuous testing to application monitoring—and much more. CA’s highly flexible, integrated solutions allow organizations to fully capitalize on business opportunities in the digital enterprise era, enabling rapid development, automated testing, and seamless release of mission-critical applications.

Chef: Chef Automate, the leader in Continuous Automation, provides a platform that enables you to build, deploy and manage your infrastructure and applications collaboratively. Chef Automate works with Chef’s three open source projects; Chef for infrastructure automation, Habitat for application automation, and Inspec for compliance automation, as well as associated tools. Chef Automate provides commercial features on top of the open-source projects that include end-to-end visibility across your entire fleet, tools to enable continuous compliance, a unified workflow to manage all change, enterprise-grade support, and more.  

CloudBees: CloudBees is powering the continuous economy by building the world’s first end-to-end system for automating software delivery, the CloudBees Suite. The CloudBees Suite builds on emerging DevOps practices and continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) automation adding a layer of governance, visibility and insights necessary to achieve optimum efficiency and control new risks. Since every company in the world is now a software company, this new automated software delivery system is becoming the most mission-critical business system in the modern enterprise.

Datical: Datical brings Agile and DevOps to the database to radically improve and simplify the application release process. Datical solutions deliver the database release automation capabilities IT teams need to bring applications to market faster while eliminating the security vulnerabilities, costly errors and downtime often associated with today’s application release process.

Dynatrace: Dynatrace provides software intelligence to simplify enterprise cloud complexity and accelerate digital transformation. With AI and complete automation, our all-in-one platform provides answers, not just data, about the performance of applications, the underlying infrastructure and the experience of all users. We help companies mature existing enterprise processes from CI to CD to DevOps, and bridge the gap from DevOps to hybrid-to-native AIOps.

Electric Cloud: Electric Cloud helps software-driven companies like E*TRADE, GM, Hyundai, Intel and Samsung build and release applications and devices at any speed the business demands, with the acceleration, orchestration and insight needed to continuously improve their results.

GitLab: GitLab is the only single application for the entire DevOps lifecycle, allowing Product, Development, QA, Security, and Operations teams to work concurrently on the same project. Designed to provide a seamless development process, GitLab’s built-in Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment offerings enable developers to easily monitor the progress of tests and build pipelines, then deploy with the confidence that their code has been tested across multiple environments. Developers are able to develop and deploy rapidly and reliably with minimal human intervention to meet enterprise demands.

Habitat: Habitat is an open-source software that creates platform-independent build artifacts and provides built-in deployment and management capabilities. Habitat is an innovative approach to automation that focuses on building, deploying and managing applications that can run anywhere, from bare metal servers and VMs to containers and PaaS solutions. With Habitat, you can run your apps anywhere with one consistent workflow, because Habitat builds applications and their dependencies into portable artifacts that contain everything they need to run. Artifacts built with Habitat can be exported into immutable formats, like Docker or Mesos, to ensure your applications can be deployed just as easily on servers or as containerized microservices. Learn here how to build applications and manage them throughout their life cycle with Habitat.

IBM: UrbanCode accelerates delivery of software change to any platform – from containers on cloud to mainframe in data center. Manage build configurations and build infrastructures at scale. Orchestrate, automate and deploy applications, middleware and database changes. Release interdependent applications with pipelines of pipelines, plan release events, orchestrate simultaneous deployments of multiple applications. Improve DevOps performance with value stream analytics. Use as a stand-alone solution or integrate with other CI/CD tools such as Jenkins. Visit

JetBrains: TeamCity is a continuous integration and continuous delivery server that takes moments to set up, shows your build results on-the-fly, and works out of the box. It will make sure your software gets built, tested, and deployed, and you get notified about that appropriately, in any way you choose. TeamCity integrates with all major development frameworks, version control systems, issue trackers, IDEs, and cloud services.

Microsoft: Microsoft’s Azure DevOps solution is a suite of DevOps tools designed to help teams collaborate to deliver high-quality solutions faster. Azure DevOps marks an evolution in the company’s Visual Studio Team Services. VSTS users will now be upgraded to Azure DevOps. The solution features Azure Pipelines for CI/CD initiatives, Azure Boards for planning and tracking, Azure Artifacts for creating, hosting and sharing packages, Azure Repos for collaboration and Azure Test Plans for testing and shipping.

Pivotal: Concourse for Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) allows developers to continuously deploy their own applications and repair vulnerable operating systems and application stacks consistently within hours of patch availability. Developers use Concourse on PCF to automate test-driven development, maintain compatibility between multiple build versions, target multiple cloud platforms and configurations, and deliver code frequently. With Concourse on PCF, developers can easily operate applications with high efficiency and adopt a “faster is safer” approach to cybersecurity.

PuppetPuppet Pipelines treats containers and Kubernetes resources as first class citizens while reducing the burden of managing cumbersome YAML files. It provides developers with easy-to-use, self-service workflows to build containers, push them to any local or remote registries, build and deploy Helm charts, and deploy containers to Kubernetes in under 15 minutes, while providing governance and visibility into the entire software delivery pipeline and the status of every deployment.

Octopus Deploy: Octopus Deploy is an automated release management tool for modern developers and DevOps teams. Octopus takes over where your Continuous Integration server ends, enabling you to easily automate even the most complicated application deployments, whether on-premises or in the cloud. Features include the ability to promote releases between environments, repeatable and reliable deployments, ability to simplify the most complicated application deployments, an intuitive and easy to use dashboard, and first-class platform support.

Opsgenie: Atlassian Opsgenie is an advanced IT alerting and incident management solution. The Opsgenie platform provides rich features and integrations that seamlessly blend with CI/CD pipelines to centralize the flow of alerts, and deliver them according to customizable schedules and escalation policies. Far more than just alerting, Opsgenie arms teams with real-time insight into system performance and then supports collaboration and automation so incidents are resolved efficiently. Learn more and start a free trial at

Redgate Software: Including SQL Server databases in Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, and stopping them being the bottleneck in the process, is the mission at Redgate. Whether version controlling database code, including it in continuous integration, or adding it to automated deployments, the SQL Toolbelt from Redgate includes every tool necessary. Many, like SQL Source Control, SQL Compare and SQL Change Automation, integrate with and plug into the same infrastructure already used for application development. Think Git or Team Foundation Server, Jenkins or TeamCity, Octopus Deploy or Bamboo, for example, and the database can be developed alongside the application.

Rogue Wave Software: Rogue Wave helps thousands of global enterprise customers tackle the hardest and most complex issues in building, connecting, and securing applications. Since 1989, our platforms, tools, components, and support have been used across financial services, technology, healthcare, government, entertainment, and manufacturing to deliver value and reduce risk. From API management, web and mobile, embeddable analytics, static and dynamic analysis to open source support, we have the software essentials to innovate with confidence.

Sauce Labs: Sauce Labs provides the world’s largest cloud-based platform for automated testing of web and mobile applications. Optimized for use in CI and CD environments, and built with an emphasis on security, reliability and scalability, users can run tests written in any language or framework using Selenium or Appium, both widely adopted open-source standards for automating browser and mobile application functionality.

Tasktop: Tasktop provides the backbone for the most impactful Agile and DevOps transformations by connecting all the best-of-breed tools used for planning, building and delivering software at scale. With its unique model-based integration, Tasktop automates the flow of information from tool to tool, removing the duplicate data entry and manual handovers that are slowing teams down. By normalizing and standardizing data as it flows, Tasktop provides a one-of-a-kind set of metrics that tells leadership exactly how well they are performing against the business objectives and where they can improve.

TechExcel: DevSuite helps organizations manage and standardize development and releases via agile development methods and complete traceability. We understand the importance of rapid deployment and are focused on helping companies make the transition over to DevOps. To do this, we have partnered with many automation tools for testing and Continuous Integration, such as Ranorex and Jenkins. Right out of the box, DevSuite will include these technologies.

Weaveworks: Weaveworks is a container management and microservices solution provider that offers services for observing and monitoring solutions. Features of its Weave Cloud include ability to integration with preferred CI tools, the Prometheus service for gaining insights, troubleshooting and capabilities for understanding applications.

XebiaLabs: XebiaLabs develops enterprise-scale Continuous Delivery and DevOps software, providing companies with the visibility, automation and control they need to deliver software faster and with less risk. Global market leaders rely on XebiaLabs to meet the increasing demand for accelerated and more reliable software releases.