#1: SpinKit was featured in last week’s Top 5 trending projects.

#2: Really Simple Responsive HTML Email Template
No guesswork required with this project from Lee Munroe. It comes with the tagline, “When all you need is a really simple HTML e-mail template.” There are templates for marketing services such as MailChimp, and for direct apps and developer services. Copy and paste the templates as is, and you’re good to go. Simple as pie.

#3: Huptime
A utility for zero-downtime restarts of unmodified programs, Huptime allows for upgrading the application code without rejecting any clients. Created by Adin Scannell, it achieves zero downtime without the need to modify a program in any way.

This hyperminimal UI theme for sublime text is all about hype and minimal. This project by Gadzhi Kharkharov is sleek and simple, tinting your text editor with that otherworldly color Apple recently debuted on their iPhone 5S.
OpenEmu is an open source project for OS X game emulation, leveraging modern OS X technologies and third-party libraries to support a host of different emulation engines and back-ends while retaining a familiar OS X native front-end.