#1: Offline
Another HubSpot brainchild, Offline improves app experiences when users lose connection, automatically displaying online/offline indication. Offline has a simple UI that monitors AJAX requests for failure, confirms the connection status by requesting fake images and resources, and grabs requests made when the connection is down and remakes them.

#2: Ionicons
Uploaded by Drifty, Ionicons is the premium font for the Ionic framework. The font pack searches keywords identifying common icon names and styles, and each icon comes with a class name for easy copying and pasting while developing.

#3: CodePath Android Cliffnotes
Timed well with the release of KitKat, this CodePath project aims to become the central crowdsourced resource for complete, up-to-date Android content and tutorials. The Cliffnotes have guides for beginner, intermediate and advanced developers, on everything from the Action Bar and fragments to testing, interfaces and more.

#4: Lime
was featured in last week’s Top 5 list.

#5: Free Programming Books was featured in a previous Top 5 list. GitHub users really love free programming books.