#1. Corefx
Corefx is a repository for the recently open-sourced .NET Core, featuring the foundational libraries that make it up. According to the project page, the repository doesn’t currently contain the entire set, but it does include immutable collections, an ECMA-335 metadata reader, SIMD-enabled vector types, and XML. More information about .NET Core is available here.
#2. Material-UI
Created by Call-Em-All, Material-UI is a CSS framework and set of React components used to apply Google’s material design specification. It includes installation, usage and customizations without having to directly modify material-UI source files. “It’s still a work in progress, but hopefully you can see where we’re headed,” according to the project’s GitHub page.
#3. Dotnet
Dotnet is the official GitHub home of .NET. The repository will act as a starting point for developers to participate in and learn about .NET open-source projects from the .NET Foundation and Microsoft. It includes advice on finding .NET open-source projects; how to engage, contribute and provide feedback; and material for understanding the relationship between .NET Core and the .NET Framework. More information is available here.
#4. Twemoji
Twitter wants to provide everyone with emojis, which has led to Twemoji: a library that offers standard Unicode emoji support across all platforms. “Since we’ve gotten many requests to use our emoji in various projects, as of today we’re open-sourcing our emoji. We hope that the permissive licensing of this project will enable the spread of emoji adoption across platforms,” the company wrote on its blog.
#5. Codis
Codis is an alternative to Twemproxy created by Wandou Labs. Written in Go and C, it provides a proxy-based high-performance Redis cluster solution. Features include auto-rebalance; an easy-to-use GUI dashboard and admin tools; support for most Redis commands; compatibility with Twemproxy; native Redis client support; safe and transparent data migration; a command-line interface; and RESTful APIs.