#1: Websocketd
It’s like inetd, but for WebSockets. Created by Joe Walnes, it turns any application that uses STDIN/STDOUT into a WebSocket server. This small command-line tool wraps existing command-line interface programs, allowing them to be accessed via a WebSocket.

#2: Headroom.js
A lightweight, high-performance JavaScript widget with no dependencies, this Nicky Williams project brings elements into view when appropriate, and focuses on your content the rest of the time. Headroom reacts to the user’s scrolling, sliding out of view when scrolling down and back in view when scrolling up.

#3: Imager.js
This imager, benevolently donated by those journalistic-type folks at BBC News, is a simple, fast network-friendly responsive imaging solution. It’s an alternative way to handle responsive image loading, using the BBC Responsive News technique to load any image once in the most suitable size… because an unsuitably sized image would simply not do.

#4: Craft
All you Minecrafters out there, this one’s for you. You owe your undying gratitude to Michael Fogelman, who wrote this simple Minecraft clone in C using modern OpenGL shaders. The terrain is generated using Perlin and Simplex noise functions, and it supports plants, clouds, word changes, multiplayer, and more than 10 types of blocks. There goes your afternoon(s).

#5: Quick Look Plugins
Sindre Sorhus was kind enough to bestow this holiday gift: a list of useful Quick Look plugins for developers. Simply install using Homebrew Cask and run it in your terminal to allow text selection in the window, and plug-ins like QLColorCode, QLStephen, QLMarkdown, WebP and QLPrettyPatch are yours to unwrap and play with.