.NET developers want to build great user experiences, but they can’t always rely on their favorite tool providers to support their needs as technologies evolve. With DevExpress, software teams are building applications for Windows Forms, WPF, ASP.NET, Silverlight, Windows 8 and Windows 10, as well as hybrid apps using HTML5 and JavaScript and native iOS apps. Regardless of the platform or computing devices developers are targeting, DevExpress delivers the controls, tools and frameworks they need to deliver stunning, modern user experiences.

“Customers stay with us for a long time. The reason they stay with us through Windows Forms, ASP.NET, WPF, Windows 8 and Windows 10 is because they’re familiar with our API and how we present our controls,” said Julian Bucknall, CTO of DevExpress. “As new technologies emerge, they know we’ll be there with the UI controls they need, want and must have.”

DevExpress was named to the SD Times 100 list again for its dedication to innovation and long-term commitment to customers in the User Experience category. During the last year, the company has continued to enhance its products for all platforms while anticipating its customers’ future requirements with timely product development.

DevExpress offers high-performance UI controls across platforms that deliver unmatched aesthetics. It also offers cross-platform reporting and document automation tools, enterprise-class report servers and analytics dashboard tools, code-debug-refactor tools, Web-testing tools, Delphi and C++ Builder products, and a free Xamarin.Forms data grid control. Its flagship product, DevExpress Universal, includes all DevExpress.NET products in a single, integrated suite. DXperience, its other extensive package, includes all DevExpress.NET controls and the Code Rush code-debug-refactor tools. Control suites, tools and other offerings can also be purchased separately.

Introducing DevExpress Universal v15.1
DevExpress Universal v15.1 is a comprehensive software development suite for Visual Studio. It’s packed with dozens of new products and features that enable development teams to create compelling, high-impact desktop, Web and mobile solutions that fully address a broad range of use-case scenarios. Whether creating Office-inspired Windows apps, or building mobile solutions with touch-enabled HTML5 widgets, DevExpress Universal helps developers leverage existing skill sets and technology investments while meeting tomorrow’s challenges head-on.

“We help our customers create business apps that include some sort of business analysis and data visualization. Our goal is to help developers present data in a way that makes sense to end users,” said Bucknall.

Toward that end, the DevExpress dashboard continues to gain features to support the analytics platforms for developers who want to build fully customizable decision support systems and distribute them royalty-free. DevExpress also fortified its reporting capabilities with a document server that allows users to create PDFs, Excel spreadsheets or Word documents automatically from their data. The automation can be extended to e-mail so data can be packaged and sent to executives for review.

Also included in DevExpress Universal v15.1 are a new navigation control and a high-performance export engine. DevExpress also extended the capabilities of its spreadsheet controls and added conditional formatting expression editors for all major products.

“In a recent survey, 90% of our customers told us they are very likely to build traditional Windows desktop apps in the next 24 months. This release includes key enhancements across both our Windows Forms and WPF product lines for desktop developers,” said Bucknall. “Also, 93% of our customers reaffirmed their commitment to traditional Web applications, so we’ve added major new products and capabilities to our ASP.NET and HTML5 product lines.”

DevExpress’ comprehensive HTML5 and Javascript widget set has been extended with a new HTML5 pivot grid and scheduler so developers can deliver even better data analytics for mobile devices.

Web developers will appreciate the high-impact, touch-enabled solutions in the latest ASP.NET WebForms controls and MVC extensions. There is also a Rich Text Editor that lets developers add powerful word-processing capabilities to their apps, easily. The ASP.NET ribbon and spreadsheet controls allow developers to create Office-inspired Web apps that deliver the functionality end users expect.

What’s Next
Microsoft is launching .NET 5, Windows 10, ASP.NET 5, MVC 6 and a new version of Visual Studio in the second half of 2015. As always, DevExpress will be there to support developers who are embracing the new platforms, operating system and IDE.

“Our thrust in v15.2 is going to be more about supporting those technologies. With the new Visual Studio and Windows 10 releases at the end of July, we’ll be releasing a suite for the Windows Universal platform,” said Bucknall. “We’ve also been concentrating on ASP.NET 5 and MVC 6, so when they’re launched, we’re ready with an optimized suite of controls and a suite of engines that support those platforms.”

Expect to see dashboards, basic controls and data visualization controls, including charts, gauges and grids. With DevExpress, developers can create engaging desktop, Web and mobile experiences that end users love.

Learn more at www.devexpress.com.

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