Since Microsoft has released SharePoint Designer as a free tool, organizations have been adopting it to create top-shelf SharePoint sites and workflow-based business solutions. Designer is a great tool for developers creating these business solutions, as well as designers who are creating an organization’s Web look and feel.

A new book by Microsoft MVP Kathy Hughes walks users through Designer 2010’s capabilities for styling, designing and branding sites, and then takes them the next step to examine how the tool can be used for data integration and workflow. Hughes is based in Sydney, Australia, where she is a SharePoint consultant and trainer. She also worked on SharePoint Designer 2007 for Mindsharp’s training practice. The book, “SharePoint Designer 2010 Unleashed,” will be excerpted on SPTechWeb in the coming weeks. Watch out for it!

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Last week, we spoke with Robert Bogue about his DVD, “The Psychology of SharePoint Adoption and Engagement.” Rob said organizations “don’t really want adoption; that’s passive. You want engagement.” That prompted this letter from Tom Smith, president and founder of TechEn enterprises. Tom writes:

“If the tech groups and developers could just grasp that one sentence alone, all sorts of systems would have far more success.  Machine-to-machine exchange is the only true ON/OFF, BLACK/WHITE, YES/NO type relationship. Any interaction involving humans (even human to machine) has elements of gray—it’s called emotions—and only one side has to be emotional for the entire interaction to be dependent on that aspect.

Just my perception after 30 years of software development.”

Thanks for sharing, Tom.
