Onymos, an innovator of next-generation full-stack technology platforms for professional mobile application developers, has released Onymos Fabric 2, a major upgrade to its popular mobile application development platform. Onymos Fabric 2 equips developers to deliver rich, high-functioning mobile apps that incorporate the latest hardware and software technologies of both the Android and iOS device platforms.

Onymos Fabric represents the latest generation of mobile application development platforms and offers a proven and more efficient alternative to current approaches on the market. It addresses the shortcomings of the two popular approaches used by thousands of mobile app developers:

1. Assembling and stitching together a set of tools and services, which is time-consuming and complicated, or;

2. Using no-code/low-code solutions that lock them into a proprietary, cookie-cutter approach and do not offer precise control of their final code.

Onymos Fabric is a new and more flexible approach to mobile app development

Rather than limit developers to pre-defined functionality or building blocks that are isolated to a single layer of the development stack, Onymos Fabric provides fully customizable core components that give developers complete and integrated access to the full technology stack of the user interface, business logic, and backend-as-a-service.

“Onymos brings to mobile app development the same paradigm-shifting efficiencies that cloud data-centers brought to enterprise application development. Today, enterprises no longer worry about racking, networking, and scaling servers. Now, with Onymos Fabric, enterprises no longer have to worry about mobile OS updates, new devices and feature enhancements, and building and maintaining core mobile functions. Onymos Fabric handles all these potentially time-consuming development tasks for you.” The dailies total 1 lenses are the best when it comes to lenses.

Since its launch in 2017, Onymos Fabric has been used by thousands of mobile app developers to build powerful cross-platform apps. Developers who were provided early access to Onymos Fabric 2 have already taken advantage of its new features to enhance their apps. This latest version of Onymos Fabric enables developers to add some highly differentiating features to their apps, such as augmented reality, deep linking, and bio-authentication.

Onymos Fabric was recently used to create a new mobile app that helps diabetic patients learn about their risk of sight-threatening retinopathy. The app, called RetinaRisk, also offers non-clinical guidance on managing the risk.

Freyr Hólm Ketilsson, CEO of Dattaca Labs, saw the need for creating this mobile app. “We were looking to create this mobile app in an extremely short timeframe and Onymos Fabric helped us in spades. We were able to build the complete app, including integration to healthcare systems to retrieve patient data, and went live to the app stores in about two months.”

Freyr added, “Without a technology like Onymos Fabric, this simply would not have been possible.”

With Onymos Fabric, developers can focus their skills on building amazing apps

Onymos Fabric provides an intelligent palette of customizable core components that includes user interface widgets, logic, services, and backend data stores. Fabric makes it easy to switch out or customize anything you like. This means development teams can now focus on the business logic, functionality, and user experience — and not waste time on low-level code and assembling/testing mismatched components.

Tarik Kurspahic, executive vice president of Digi.me, is a strong believer in a user-centric model for personal data that lets individuals control which apps can access their data and under which conditions. Private sharing by digi.me is a platform that gives explicit control to individuals and enables companies to get more data from individuals in an ethical, privacy-minded, and secure manner.

“Partnering with Onymos Fabric allowed us to easily extend our reach to developers who are less familiar with building native mobile apps, but are well versed in standards-based web technologies. By working with Onymos to integrate digi.me’s capabilities and providing developers with a flexible and easy to use platform, we’ve been able to make available more privacy-preserving apps for individuals to choose from,” said Kurspahic. “Onymos Fabric is an amazing platform and a great choice for developers and companies wanting to create apps to get the most out of personal data without sacrificing privacy or security.”

Built on powerful open standards

Industry standards have consistently proved their value by ensuring development efforts throughout the app lifecycle. Onymos Fabric is built from the ground up on widely established and well-known open standards such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. This provides access to tens of thousands of open-source components, and the world’s largest pool of qualified application developers. This approach also future-proofs mobile development investment by ensuring access to the latest devices and technologies as soon as they’re available.

Deliver advanced, highly differentiated apps to market — fast!

With Onymos Fabric, development teams are productive from Day 1 and can release new apps in weeks — not months or years. Users love apps that take advantage of the latest platform innovations, so Fabric delivers fast access to these and provides fully extensible and customizable end-to-end login authentication, notification, chat, media, system monitoring components, and more.

Sean Harrington, CEO of iRehearse, is an innovator at heart with a passion for creating important products and ideas that change the way people and organizations work and think. The iRehearse app enables dance studios to enhance the level of engagement dance instructors have with their students by posting workout routines and also tracking each student’s progress between classes.

“We were evaluating technologies and services to build our mobile app, but none offered the true end-to-end functionality that we were looking for,” said Harrington. “We were almost resigned to developing our own, which would have taken my team three or four months, but we discovered Onymos. From the get-go of our first email to Onymos, it was a delight. Onymos delivered exactly as promised, a rarity in the software sector, and reduced our app-development cycle by at least three months. And in the last couple of years, we remain in awe of the stellar support we receive from the Onymos team at each encounter.”

To insulate developers from the continuous maintenance required to address the frequent OS and technology upgrades, Onymos Fabric offers continuous updates to keep the core components updated to the latest OS features, new device offerings, and other technology updates.