Operation ShareLove, organized this week by our good friend Dux Raymond Sy, is a vehicle for donating money to help Haitians in need after the earthquake that struck the poor Island nation. Funds will go to provide sorely needed food, water and medical supplies to survivors of the magnitude 7.0 quake that struck last week. Make a donation, and receive a chance to win a free SharePoint e-book and software worth US$190. So, you can perform a good deed and come away with some nice swag to boot! The fund drive is going on until Feb. 10, culminating in a raffle for training and software.
Meanwhile, another good friend of ours, Karuana Gatimu, is organizing a “TweetUp” to support the Children’s Defense Fund. The live event will be at Knuckles Bar in the Hyatt Regency Burlingame on Feb. 9, the eve of SPTechCon at the same hotel. The Children’s Defense Fund (on Twitter, it’s @childdefender) is an advocacy group for children’s health and welfare.
Good causes, good people. Help out if you can. If you need any more information on either of these events, or want to promote an effort of your own, drop me a note at drubinstein@bzmedia.com, or on Twitter @SPTechcon. As Karuana likes to say, “Sharing IS the point.”
— David