Upcoming Schedule:

May 16 – Global Email Verification

Global Email optimizes email communications by verifying and correcting email addresses at the syntax, domain, and mailbox levels. Our Deliverability Confidence Score and mailbox type identification flags empower informed decision-making, enhancing the efficacy of email campaigns and ensuring effective communication channels with your clientele.

Speaker: Pouya Tavakoli, Engineer
Email Verification Resource


July 18 – Global Name Verification

Melissa’s Global Name web service analyzes and parses name data making it simple to send personalized business mail, tailored to the gender of the people in your mailing list, while screening out vulgar or obviously false names.  Learn ways you can parse full names and name strings with two names plus how to set up guidelines to set up a name solution for multiple countries and multiple languages.

Name Verification Resource


September 19 – Global Phone Verification

Phone Verification Resources

October 17 – Global Address Verification

Address Verification Resource

November 14 – eIDV – Electronic Identity Verification

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